Informed Delivery by USPS

Informed Delivery by USPS

Have you heard about Informed Delivery offered by the USPS®? As of February 2020, over 20 million consumers have enrolled!

But, what is Informed Delivery?
Informed Delivery gives residential consumers digital previews of their mail before it arrives in their mailboxes. You can log into your account 24/7 to see what mail is due to arrive and when. You can also be prompted to do so with a daily email (which is generating a 70% open rate, according to the USPS!).

What are the benefits to you as a business?

  1. Informed delivery provides you with an opportunity to increase brand impressions without actually paying for them. USPS doesn’t charge marketers to create Informed Delivery campaigns, which means you can generate multiple touchpoints from a single mail piece.
  2. Informed Delivery allows your target audience and prompts them to respond to your offer earlier.
  3. Informed Delivery has the potential to create a lift in response, resulting in increased ROI (return on investment). It’s proven time and again that response rates go up when marketers integrate print and digital strategies. By incorporating an engaging digital element into your direct mail strategy, you can enhance the overall effectiveness of your campaign. At the same time, read open rates and click-throughs to get an early read on campaign performance.

Below you’ll find some easy PDF documents for props, designing, and general information.

The USPS is offering a 2% discount on postage for any Informed Delivery campaign mailed through November 30, 2020 – talk about exciting!

Contact one of our sales executives today! Or for more info, check out the USPS website or this article from Hatteras, where we pulled a lot of our information.

Email Austin Sullivan, Sales Executive


Industry News

September 1, 2020

(1 min. read)