Custom Marketing Materials You Need Right Now

Custom Marketing Materials You Need Right Now

Deciding which custom marketing materials are going to best serve your business is a tough choice to make. There are so many options, from mundane products that serve their purpose, like letterheads, to the more fun world of promotional marketing materials.

With over 35+ years in the printing industry, we have seen trends come and go in the world of marketing materials. However, there are some, such as business cards, that have stood the test of time. If you are currently deciding which marketing materials you need, we’ve laid out the five most common custom marketing materials you’ll need plus two bonus materials you may also consider getting.

Business Cards

Custom Marketing Materials Ex 1

The first custom marketing materials we recommend to all new businesses or organizations that are rebranding are business cards. Business cards have been around since the 17th century and are here to stay, at least for now.

Not only do they provide the most essential information about you or your business, but they also enhance the legitimacy of your business. With all the various stocks, finishes, and shapes you can get business cards in now, you can get really creative with your designs. This will make you stand out from the crowd.



We like to think of postcards as one of the most versatile custom marketing materials you can get. For any business owner, coming up with new, inventive ways to market your business can be challenging. Even with the advent of digital marketing, postcards remain a tried-and-tested tactic to raise awareness, increase sales, or increase foot traffic to your business.

There are more options for using postcards in your marketing toolbox than the traditional method of direct mail. If you have a creative designer/clever marketing department, you can use postcards in an almost limitless way. You can send postcards in your shipped packages, coupon codes, street marketing, and open house/grand opening announcements. All of these methods can be sent out as a mail campaign, but the beauty of using postcards is that they can be used with or without a mailing strategy.


A close second to postcards as the most versatile custom marketing material you can get is flyers. Not only are flyers budget-friendly, but they are also extremely effective and multifunctional.

Our clients typically use them to promote their latest product or service, but some have seen varying degrees of success. The success of flyers depends on your strategy on how you use them. We’ve seen some local organizations plaster them all across town. Others use them as handouts at their storefronts and trade show booths. We personally use flyers as a way to leave behind important information.



If you don’t have brochures for your business, you’re missing out on the most effective way to share in-depth information about your company. Yes, postcards and flyers get your information out there, but if you want to share your company’s story, nothing beats brochures. Just like postcards and flyers, brochures are a great takeaway marketing tool.

Before your prospective customer even reads your brochure, how the brochure is printed can either make or break your investment. A brochure with a custom finish will tell customers the value of your brand, even before they digest your content. Likewise, a poorly designed brochure will give off a bad first impression.


Another essential custom marketing material you may want to get printed is custom folders. Custom folders give off a professional look for your brand and really tie your branding together.

Arriving at a presentation or conference fully prepared with your marketing materials in a custom folder will make your company stand out. We have also seen many companies use folders to hold onboarding materials for their new employees.

The bottom line is that if you need a way to hold your other marketing materials, don’t just throw them in a plain-colored folder. A folder specific to your company will go a long way.

Bonus Items: Rack Cards and Table Tents

While rack cards and table tents are not essential in our list, they are still two of the most widely used custom marketing materials that businesses print.

Rack Cards

Rack cards are an excellent way to give out information to foot traffic. These are typically 4″x9″ and are double-sided.

Chances are, you have seen these in hotel lobbies and visitor centers. Typically, we see restaurants use them as a way to get their menu out to people passing by. We also see other organizations using them as simplified brochure pieces containing only the essential information.

Table Tents

Last but not least on our list is table tents. As the name implies, table tents are usually placed on tables at special events.

Table tents serve as great product displays. They are often placed in locations with high foot traffic, like the reception or waiting areas of an office or store. You can use them to showcase your products or any special discounts. These boost brand awareness, brand recall, and even sales. Restaurants often highlight their bestsellers.

Helpful Hints

September 5, 2019

(4 min. read)