Best Promotional Items for Events

Best Promotional Items for Events

The past several months have kept us busy! We’ve met in person with many new and prospective clients. Colortech has also received invitations to events and will soon attend a career fair. Because of all these in-person appearances, we’ve had to think about what the best promotional items for events are. To learn more about exactly what kinds of promotional items we offer, check out our page about how they can be beneficial for your business.

We’ll give you a quick summary. Promotional items are typically free items passed out by the company to prospective or current clients. These will usually have the company’s logo and may also include elements like an address or phone number. Often, the purpose of a promotional item is to garner impressions of your business and have potential clients think of you whenever they look at the item. Thus, having a product that’s an everyday item like a notepad or pen tends to be most effective. After all, those are the kinds of items you’re looking at the most!

Colortech promotional items: a notepad, a chocolate bar, and a pen.

However, what you take to an event can depend on who you’re meeting with or what kind of event you’re attending. In other words, think about who your audience will be at each event you attend. Will people be able to easily carry your items around, or will they just be inconvenient? Because of this, for networking and quick face-to-face meetings, we stick with small, easy-to-carry things like notepads, pens, and candy bars. You can see in an image above what these looked like for our most recent outing.

Colortech promotional items: a tie-dye drawstring bag and a pair of tie-dye sunglasses.

For career fairs, we will bring along more specific promotional items like drawstring bags and sunglasses, seen above as well. Because high schools and colleges will often hold these, we like to be more daring in our product choices that we bring. A younger crowd will also tend to like these more than your typical business crowd. While these types of items can be a little more expensive to produce, they can also be more memorable! Other fun promotional items include cups/mugs, USB sticks, and mini flashlights. Again, the best method to thinking about what kinds of promotional items to make is to consider your recipients AND what you are willing to spend to reach them.

What makes promotional products so appealing both to the companies and the recipients? For one, it’s never a bad thing to receive free items. However, on top of that, they can put you ahead of your competitors by giving easy word-of-mouth marketing. In addition, they also showcase an easy way to promote your services and exactly what your company can provide. Show that you’re not afraid to put yourself out there in more of an intriguing way! By promoting yourself in such a way, potential clients may give your company a chance or simply learn who you are in the first place.

Helpful Hints

October 20, 2023

(2 min. read)